news archive
8/11/01 thru 10/7/02

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10.07.02 The ROM Hacking Data Repository is now open!
   The ROM Hacking Data Repository

  This new forum is intended to be an archive of hacking notes for various games. This includes level data formats, character attributes, music formats...anything in a ROM that can be hacked. My hope is that sometime in the future, people looking to make level editors or other ROM-hacking tools for specific games will be able to come here and find the info they need, whether it be data addresses, compression schemes, or just helpful notes.

  However, it can't happen without your help! I'm asking anyone that has ROM hacking information to register and post the info on the board. I currently only have level hacking info for Ms. Pac-Man (NES) available, but I will soon be adding info for Batman and The Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout (both NES), as I have partially deciphered the level data formats for both. And in the future, if I have the time and/or desire, I may post my Super Mario Bros. 2 hacking info - I've got a whole stack of papers sitting next to me with hacking notes scribbled all over them. There's a ton of data here... O_o

  Please help me turn this forum into something great!
09.20.02 LEGEND OF THE BLOB BROS. 2 v2.0!

07.28.02 *yawn*...
   Wow, look at that. Once again, it's been two months since the last update. Where has all the time gone?

  I just thought I'd let my 5 loyal visitors know that I'm not dead, and neither is the site (yet). I've just been busy doing other things, which includes finishing up Legend of the Blob Bros. 2. I'm nearly done with 6-3, which means I'm nearly done with the entire hack! It's been more than 4 years since this project was started, so the final release is going to be a major event for me. Once it's out of the way, I'll be able to focus on other things, such as The Blob Adventures (which I promised, as usual, to update a long time ago) and various new sections for this site that have been in the planning stages for many, many months. I may even start a new ROM hack--nothing quite as major as LotBB2, though, at least not for a while.

  Have patience, everyone...I shall return...
05.23.02 Minor ROM hack update
   I've uploaded a little ROM hack I made during the Eskimo Deathmatch Finals last year, titled "BMF vs. HPPH" (or "Kill Happypeepeehead"). I thought I had already uploaded it, but obviously I was wrong. You can indulge yourself in a Happypeepeehead killing spree by heading over to the Hacks page.
03.20.02 I say more?
   Woohoo! As you've (hopefully) noticed, RuSteD LOgIc has moved to! This is a very good thing for several reasons:

 - Tons of bandwidth.
 - Tons of space.
 - CGI/PHP/MySQL/etc.
 - New e-mail address.
 - Full control over every aspect of the site (no Icehouse limitations).
 - New, easy-to-remember URL!

Now that I have so much more room for expansion, I'll be uploading more comics and various other RuSteD goodies soon, including a couple of new sections. One of those planned sections is the "WaKKie Image Gallery," a collection of strange, interesting, and just plain cool images I've collected from around the Internet. (It's about time I figured out something to do with all these files!)

Oh, and be sure to check out the new AcmlmBoard-powered rustedmagick forums! They're still somewhat "under construction," but they're fully operational, and have TONS of spiffy new features that the ezboard doesn't. Hope to see you there!

02.07.02 New episodes of "The Blob Adventures"
   The Blob Adventures page has received a major facelift and three new episodes! Grab 'em while they're hot!
12.25.01 Christmas! w00t!
   Merry Christmas from RuSteD LOgIc!
12.12.01 Happy Holidays!
   Ah, 'tis once again the season to spend half a day creating a "Christmas-ized" design for RL! It would've only taken a quarter of a day, but I had some trouble getting the Christmas lights untangled...

   *hands out lots of candy canes and huge presents*
11.07.01 Yet another new layout...
   Ack. Has it really been almost two months since the last update?

   I finally got a good-sized break in my hectic work schedule and decided to (once again) redo the site's layout...the last one was ugly, took forever to load, and didn't work well at all for 640x480 users. So, this time around, I took both 640x480 and slow modem users into consideration and created a design that loads fast, fits well on a low-res display, and generally looks much prettier (check out the curvy hand-drawn panels!). This design is also far easier to update than the last one, in case I need to add or change something later, so I'll try my hardest to keep it for more than three months. ;)

   I've also got some much-needed sectional updates in the works. Sit tight, they'll be online soon. I promise...
09.12.01 ...
   I'd like to ask everyone to take a moment and pray for the victims of yesterday's terrorist attack, and pray that those responsible for this horrible tragedy are brought to justice very soon. We truly are living in dangerous and frightening times...

   More information
09.07.01 New hack: Blob Buster!
   Woohoo! A new RuSteD ROM hack, fresh from the tile editor! Blob Buster is a hack of Dig Dug II, featuring M.C. as the brave hero. Armed with only an air pump and a jackhammer, M.C. will have to take on hordes of Bad Blobs and flame-throwing Pyro-Bots in order to restore peace to an island paradise.

   Stop by the Hacks page and take Blob Buster for a spin!
09.02.01 Hacks page gets a makeover
   The Hacks page has been converted to the new "table-ized" layout (the one used on this page and the Comics page). I also fixed the direct links to the files; they were still pointing to Oops.

   More layout updates coming soon!
08.31.01 Comics section now online
   Behold the glorious return of WaKKie CoMiX! The Comics section is now online, featuring both WaKKie CoMiX and The Blob Adventures, along with a link to one of the most critically-acclaimed comics of our time, Badly Drawn Man. Groovy.
08.11.01 RuSteD LOgIc Returns!
   Hey, everyone. It's been a while...welcome to the new RuSteD LOgic, located on the IceHouse servers once again.

   It's been a tough few months, trying to decide what to do with this site...I've been looking at several alternate hosting options with Scoutboy, trying to find the best deal, and we think we've found one that would suit our needs quite well, and isn't too expensive. However, Scoutboy doesn't have a steady source of income yet (i.e. he's jobless), and I can't afford to pay for it myself, so it'll have to wait until we can split the bill. Until then, the site's staying right here. I may actually end up keeping the site here and just getting a URL redirect, who knows...IceHouse's servers are very reliable, and there are no banners or file linking restrictions, either. Me likes.

   You've most likely noticed that the site is no longer called "RuSteD ROM Hacks". This is because I've decided to keep RuSteD LOgIc and RuSteD ROM Hacks together as one site. This makes much more sense than having two separate sites, since updates to RRH were few and far between, and I have quite a few non-ROM hacking related things I'd like to put online in the next few months (notice the "Comics" and "Misc." buttons on the Nav-Bar). Keeping the sites together definitely makes updating/managing things a LOT easier.

   Oh, I almost forgot...if you'd like to link to my site, please use the URL This page will always have the correct URL for RuSteD LOgIc, along with status updates, in case the site needs to be moved again.

   Well, that's everything for now. Expect the Comics section to be ready sometime within the next week or so. Until next time, everyone...stay WaKKie!

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All pages © Robert Flory (BMF54123) unless otherwise noted.